
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

7.23.10 Dream within Dreams and The Reoccuring Battle Ship

   This was 4 layers of dreams, so bare with me. I don't remember much, other than the fact that i was uploading information about time and parallel realities. I am being told that upon waking, we believe that we awaken from the same world we left it prior to dreaming, but according to Source information, this is far from the case. It is important to know that vibration and frequency play a huge part in our everyday reality. What we dream affects us in our waking state whether we realize it or not.

    I experienced a rolling film strip, seeing myself in infinite possibilities, being told to choose one that would account for my waking life once i awake. My guide explained that every time we wake up, we are actually waking up in a different parallel reality, therefore it literally is like dying every night. When we wake up from our sleep, we believe that's all it is, but Source information tells me that this is just the basis of experiencing 5th dimensional time. I was told I would be given a 'practice' run, and through lucid dreaming, I was able to choose the setting. The setting then became the dream within the dream.

   As I am dreaming within my dream, I find myself in a situation and I have no recollection of how I get there, but my guide reminds me that I am in a dream within a dream and we are 'practicing.' I see my friend Roger and 2 other friends from facebook, including Maria Celeste, although, I did not see her physically, her presence was there. The point was to extract information from my subconscious in order to witness the reoccurance of possibilities which we know as de ja vu in our waking states. All I remember from this point on was witnessing the explosion of a large battleship. I was told to go under again, and I manifest myself again in the same spot redoing the same exact things along with everyone that already occurred in the dream within the dream. Now we are in the 3rd layer (dream within dream within dream). Again, the battleship explodes, and I am told to do it again, but this time, I must wake up before it explodes (that would be the 4th dream). This one dream sequence was subtly different in the sense that I told Roger about the dreams within dreams. I remember him telling me, 'do not forget.' Doing this ultimately changed the outcome of the entire dream, and seconds before the ship exploded (in the 4th layer dream), i remember jumping onto a port with my friends and watching the filmstrip roll through. At this point, I woke up from 3 dreams, bringing me back to the filmstrip that i encountered at the beginning. The last thing I remember, is my guide saying "choose wisely, for when you awaken, you only awaken into yet another dream (this life), and it is up to you to choose which reality you awaken to.'



The 'filmstrip' represented in the dream is like the revolving, endless doorways of possibilities, and that is the best way i can describe it. The battleship, i believe, is symbolic of my ego, in the sense that in the two dreams where i experienced the same outcome, my ego structure was destroyed (signifying the witness of my own death). However, the purpose is not to destroy the ego structure but to completely transform it. I was able to keep the battleship afloat in the final dream, which represents the ability to choose paths that allows continued manifestation in this particular reality. The dreams within the dreams are literal.



  1. Wow Victoria, off the top of my head, that's a really far-reaching, impressive, deeply felt, profound dream.
    Have you tried to analyze it yet or are you waiting for the full picture to form? I can't wait to hear more as you sort it out.
    Much love and blessings,

  2. Well, i believe the filmstrip to be like the endless doorways of possibilities, although it looked like a filmstrip, i know it wasn't, thats just the best way i can describe. the battleship could be symbolic of my ego, in the sense that in the two dreams where i experienced the same outcome, my ego structure was destroyed. However, the purpose is not to destroy the ego structure but to completely transform it. I was able to keep the battleship afloat, which means I'm being given the ability to choose paths that allow continued manifestation in this particular reality. It was really cool, and in depth. My dreams usually are, sometimes though, they are too elaborate to remember fully upon waking but throughout the day synchronicities appear that begin to remind me of the information that was relayed. Thanks for commenting Roger, I really appreciate it. I will perhaps comment on my dreams with an analytical perspective, I think that will be good. I will do that now.
