
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Having Nightmares? Three Easy Steps that Help You Learn From Them

Acknowledging Our Dreams:

Nightmares are our mind's way of working out our fears. It is to experience a fear that one may or may not be aware of in our waking state. When you feel something that arises unease or uncertainty in your dream, it is important to follow a few simple steps to be sure you can understand what is being presented to you.

          -Acknowledge what brings the fear.
          -Never be afraid to ask questions in your dream. Doing so will bring answers.
            (It will also help you gain practice for lucid dreaming).
          -Release the nightmare (or specific fear) upon waking. That is, what you posses, choose to let go.

    When one meets fear in dreams, be sure to take the time to reflect on what exactly is causing it upon waking. Where is it coming from, and why? These are very important questions to ask, both during the dream and after. Tale time to meditate on them. They may be things that have happened to us recently or as children. Regardless, it is important to note that when it makes its' appearance, it is our souls way of directing us to 'pull the weed' out of our soul garden. We can practice how to become aware of our dreams, embrace them, and then release for higher growth.

    Acknowledging the Challenge we Manifest:

    Nightmares, like dreams, are thoughts we have and experience parallel to our own, each with a different vibration set in motion, ready to be unleashed in order to influence and possibly manifest in our waking life. If you find your nightmares manifesting in one form or another, it is because of a fear that has been avoided when presenting itself in dreams. Conscious or subconscious focus on this fear influences one to make it reality, at least for a brief moment. Making it manifest is your souls way of arising challenges in your life in order to help you make the decision to face your fears; a second chance to embrace. If one never confronts their fears they will find their self going through a cycle of repetition with fears always masked a different way. When challenges arise, choose to learn from them rather than struggle and you will find that they are truly only 'stepping stones' on your path to Higher Self.

    Letting Go:

    Acknowledging our fears gives us the opportunity to reflect on our selves and Choose the reality that is best for All. This does not necessarily mean you will 'get your way,' it means that you strengthen your connection with Source and trust that you will embrace whatever unknown, whatever change may come your way. In order to do this, one must first let go of their fear. Remind yourself, that it is there for a reason and it is one that must be understood in order for learning to take place. Once you come to terms with this, you will find yourself letting go. For example... are you willing to accept a loved one choosing a different path? A different partner? Perhaps a life away from yours? Once you realize that true love is acceptance, you will have nothing to fear. You will no longer attempt to control situations to satisfy for your own wants and needs but rather, rest in peace knowing the situation will align for not only your best interest, but for the greater whole. If you force the situation, you will create more challenges for yourself. Go with the Flow. The best is magick is performed with patience.

    I have come to find in my journey that dreams are just as 'real' as our waking lives. We live as infinite consciousness experiencing itself in infinite ways. Astral projection & dreams are but the smallest glimpse of them. Always pay attention to these and never underestimate your true power within.

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