
Saturday, July 31, 2010

7.28.10 The War

I'm walking along streets that look like East Germany. It is silent. I see some kids running around some cement houses, theyre spying on me, playing around. They come up to me and we communicate with our eyes. One of them hands me an old stuffed bunny rabbit with long ears. I give it a big hug. All of a sudden, a bomb goes off and there is fire in the streets. Three middle eastern men dressed nicely come and grab me, they're taking me away to a place that is safe, they say. I try to fight them off at first as I don't know who they are, but they say they are protecting me from the war. 'What war?' I ask. He explains that the Ishamelites and the Isaacs (who call themselves Israelies but are not) have been in war and now I am a witness. He shows me how the people on the other side (the Isaacs) have been instigating war for a very long time. He says he is Lebanese, and he knows I am Lebanese, too. We we are family,' he says, 'but they consider us an enemy.'' He tells me to duck and stay in a small cubby hole for a while. I look around. This is an old cement building, with large windows, no glass. A couple stories high. The men run around and gather the children together, making sure they are safe. But then I say to him, 'i cannot stay here, i have to leave. i have somewhere to be.' The nice Lebanese man, whose name I don't remember, tells me he is afraid for me, but I tell him that there is nothing to worry about, and that I will always be protected in the same way that they helped me. I leave, and I begin to walk, still holding the toy rabbit in my hands. Bombs go off in every and each way, but I keep walking. I get to my old pool, where I used to live in Flagler in Miami. I remember telling some people that I wanted give the bunny back then and that I was thankful to the child who let me have him. I remember the Czar came down to talk to me, but I don't remember anything else.
Analysis: The children represent innocence. The bunny rabbit signifies a sense of security (like a security blanket). For the most part, I believe I had this dream because just before going to bed, I saw a news article that mentioned 'US gives Israel 'ok' to take out Iran,' or something along those lines, which was imprinted in my subconscious. It accounts for the wars between the biblical brothers, Isaac and Ishmael. Biblically, Isaac always waged war against Ishamel because he was the oldest heir, and of royal blood (Hagar), although the Bible portrays her as a maidservant. Because I am Lebanese, my roots lay within ancient Canaan and Mesopotamia and I can feel the waves of war that have continually been waged throughout the ages, but I must remember to not get caught up in it, and continue to move forward, with guidance and protection as promised. My old neighborhood signifies a time in my life that i really enjoyed. The pool was always the "base" whenever we would play Hide and Go Seek. The wanting to give the bunny back is symbolic of me being secure within myself.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

7.26.10 The Compromise

Someone I know, lets call him Person A, and I, made a deal to extract information from his subconscious. He laid flat on a table, facing up. With my knife, I slit open his right side, from his rib to his hip. He was fully awake. The wound was so deep and wide. 

Giant caramel colored ants with wings came crawling out of his insides. They might have been termites. 
He starts to panic a bit and says 'Hurry, grab one and dissect it!' So I do. The creature was the size of my arm. I pin it down, and with the same knife, I dissect its' side. When I reached inside, I found a box. I pulled it out. It was a little blue metal safe. I felt so good and victorious, but sensed I was going to be waking up soon. He told me to open it quickly, while we could, but it was locked. I asked him for the combination, but he couldn't fathom that it had one. I believe he said the numbers '5' and '13,' but it wasn't enough to open it. I told him we were running out of time and he said 'Quick! Throw it into another dream so that it doesn't get lost.' I did, and I woke up seconds after.I haven't seen the blue box since.

Analysis: Person A and I have been trying to find common ground in our relationship. I recently told him it was important that he go beyond the surface once in a while, tune into his deeper and hidden thoughts and emotions.The slicing of the body is the diving into the psychological subconscious realm. The ants represent perhaps a form of shadow that is eating away at his insides. The wound allowed these darker aspects to light. The dream shows to me that he was cooperative, at least for a moment, in fully engaging in an analysis, however, when it was time to open the safe (a deep rooted memory or information he has stored away in the deepest parts of himself) he could not recall the combination in order to open it. He told me to throw it into another dream. As lucid as my dreams are, I can eventually find the safe and open it, but cannot do so without
his will to do so.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

7.23.10 Dream within Dreams and The Reoccuring Battle Ship

   This was 4 layers of dreams, so bare with me. I don't remember much, other than the fact that i was uploading information about time and parallel realities. I am being told that upon waking, we believe that we awaken from the same world we left it prior to dreaming, but according to Source information, this is far from the case. It is important to know that vibration and frequency play a huge part in our everyday reality. What we dream affects us in our waking state whether we realize it or not.

    I experienced a rolling film strip, seeing myself in infinite possibilities, being told to choose one that would account for my waking life once i awake. My guide explained that every time we wake up, we are actually waking up in a different parallel reality, therefore it literally is like dying every night. When we wake up from our sleep, we believe that's all it is, but Source information tells me that this is just the basis of experiencing 5th dimensional time. I was told I would be given a 'practice' run, and through lucid dreaming, I was able to choose the setting. The setting then became the dream within the dream.

   As I am dreaming within my dream, I find myself in a situation and I have no recollection of how I get there, but my guide reminds me that I am in a dream within a dream and we are 'practicing.' I see my friend Roger and 2 other friends from facebook, including Maria Celeste, although, I did not see her physically, her presence was there. The point was to extract information from my subconscious in order to witness the reoccurance of possibilities which we know as de ja vu in our waking states. All I remember from this point on was witnessing the explosion of a large battleship. I was told to go under again, and I manifest myself again in the same spot redoing the same exact things along with everyone that already occurred in the dream within the dream. Now we are in the 3rd layer (dream within dream within dream). Again, the battleship explodes, and I am told to do it again, but this time, I must wake up before it explodes (that would be the 4th dream). This one dream sequence was subtly different in the sense that I told Roger about the dreams within dreams. I remember him telling me, 'do not forget.' Doing this ultimately changed the outcome of the entire dream, and seconds before the ship exploded (in the 4th layer dream), i remember jumping onto a port with my friends and watching the filmstrip roll through. At this point, I woke up from 3 dreams, bringing me back to the filmstrip that i encountered at the beginning. The last thing I remember, is my guide saying "choose wisely, for when you awaken, you only awaken into yet another dream (this life), and it is up to you to choose which reality you awaken to.'



The 'filmstrip' represented in the dream is like the revolving, endless doorways of possibilities, and that is the best way i can describe it. The battleship, i believe, is symbolic of my ego, in the sense that in the two dreams where i experienced the same outcome, my ego structure was destroyed (signifying the witness of my own death). However, the purpose is not to destroy the ego structure but to completely transform it. I was able to keep the battleship afloat in the final dream, which represents the ability to choose paths that allows continued manifestation in this particular reality. The dreams within the dreams are literal.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

7.20.10: The Dividing Bridge and the Place of Serenity

I'm in a car with a few friends from middle/high school (Sandy, Stephanie, some others)...
We're driving on a bridge, but are stuck in traffic. Everyone gets out of their cars. People are pacing around trying to make phone calls but it seems the services are down. They decide to get some food while I wait in the car. All of a sudden, a meteor crashes into the middle of the bridge, breaking it in two. We're separated and everyone becomes frantic. They are on one side and I'm on the other. I remember crying for my friends, telling them to cross over quickly before their side of the bridge falls. The side they were on had dropped and was continuing to drop into highly toxic water. But they didn't seem to care. In fact, Sandy got mad that I was pressuring her to cross over. It made me a little sad, but I had no choice but to let them be. Stephanie was confused as to why she would be upset but didn't question. I just let them be.

Something tells me to go to India. I began to see Hindi families eating meals together and praying. Something tells me to walk, telling me I will come to this place. Stephanie decides to come, she wants to cross over. I help her get to the side I'm on. I jumped over giant rocks on the water, and climb vines to help her up. We get on top on the bridge where there's a giant crack that leads to the road. We start walking this road for miles, days pass. We are tired, dirty and starving. I see a little Indian restaurant, Punjabbi, it was called. It had neon lights. We go in, and I see the family eating and praying just as I had envisioned. I ask them about India, I think they said that was India.
I remember feeling confused by the serenity and peace found in this little restaurant when the rest of the outside world was suffering and dying. As I awoke, I realized the significance of environment and how it affects our well being. Outside the doors of the restaurant was chaos, but inside, it was like a safe haven,  like a sanctuary. Then I heard my guide's voice say 'this is why it is important for you to join with others like you, who understand and care about the process of creation.'

The bridge is symbolic of a fork with two paths. Punjabbi, which I did not previously know at the time, is an actual place in India. Perhaps it signifies the importance of death and rebirth as the Hindi religion is very in tune with this aspect of life. What the guide says at the end of the dream is directional in the sense that comfort will be found in others who believe the same way i do.

His saying also reminded me of the difference between giving birth with a doctor under bright florescent lights and tons of people in the room (my first daughter's birth) compared to a very private setting with soft lighting and a midwife (my second daughter's birth). In other words, atmosphere and what the vibrating frequency in that atmosphere is makes all the difference between viewing these times as catastrophic or as a a natural act of nature, and not one to be feared.


I don't remember much verbal expression in this one, mostly symbols.
I remember seeing earth from above. My guide was telling me about the crystalline grid and how it is a flower of life. He showed me 'power points' or vortices of specific locations on Earth. Nebulae were formed above them. It was beautiful and at my finger tips.

The seeding has begun, he said.

The final product/image in my dream:

Please see my article The Vision, The Message, The Meditation:: Reawakening the Sacred Sound Within::

Thursday, July 15, 2010


   Mark and I go to the village I often dream of and we stop at this building that was connected to a vintage store. I'm looking through the racks of clothes and notice a lot of cheery older women with white hair and librarian-type blouses. At this point, I realize Mark had left a package on the top of our car and go out to see if it is still there. Once I put the package away, I notice that there is a big party on the other side of the street in a house beside a church. I decide to walk over and realize I know everyone there.

From people in middle school and high school I haven't thought of in ages to my best friends in Miami, and my new friends in SC, I'm happy to see a lot of these people. The first thing I notice is my friend Robert, and he's laying down on a bed surrounded by all these girls who are massaging him. They wear hibiscus flowers in their hair. I fo9und the energy to be pretty strange and cult-like so I headed over to the next person I knew. I spoke to many people, mostly a reunion with my friends from Miami. I decide to head back outside.

   Once I'm out, I hear there is something going on at this stone temple next door; some sort of meeting. I walk in and see Starr, Regina, and a few other friends from facebook. My FB friends didn't have faces, but I knew their energies. A girl comes in and both her legs are amputated. She has robotic legs and crutches since she is learning how to walk with them. She sits on the bench and I tell her i'm sorry for her loss. We're all talking about what a strange reunion it was when all of a sudden, what felt like a bomb blew up the roof. (I literally felt the house shake in my sleep). Everyone freaks out but is also massively aware. We look up at the skies and it's pouring meteors. Everyone realizes that it is 'time' and that we must start walking. I'm worried because Mark and the kids are in the building across the street, but at this point, there is so much chaos, I begin to wonder if we will find each other. I think to myself, what are the chances of this happening? I meant to go to the car and ended up seeing old friends, and now this. Robert runs to where we are and is completely in awe. He's asking me all sorts of questions and asks me not to leave his side. I turn to talk to him and instantly notice two suns. I yell, 'OMG! LOOK, THERE ARE TWO SUNS!' 

Everyone stops and observes these twin suns. It was night time, and they looked like two moons facing each other, one behind the other, but they were suns. They begin to develop arms, legs, and heads in a matter of seconds. I tell everyone how they are like fertilized eggs in the phases of cell division. One is red and one is blue. They begin to battle against each other, for one twin must die. This is what was causing the meteor to fall. I remember being super ecstatic and I begin to celebrate. My friends ask if this is what we should be doing, and I say,' Yes. We've been waiting for this moment all our lives.' The energy suddenly becomes lighter and fear seems to exit our circle. We know that we are taken care of. We continue walking and come by my house. I tell the group that I have to get my bag with my sneakers because I am wearing flip flops, but they just want to keep moving. i tell them I'm going in and ask them to please wait. I come in the house and feel confused as to what to grab, I feel a strong pressure and urgency to get out asap. I wake up.

The world around me represents the crumbling of the matrix/holographic reality. The meteors represent a cosmic change that is affecting my being on all levels. The vintage store with my husband may represent my present. The house party with all my house friends may represent my past, and the temple with the group of people may represent my future, in the sense that it is all coming together within one time frame. The birthing of the twin suns represents a new creation; a new reality, taking place within the current one. During this time, we became aware of the new creation and celebrated. Almost immediately, their limbs grew, and so did duality consciousness which is represented by Red and Blue, otherwise known to the ancients as Shambalah and Agartha. The battle they engage in represents an ego battle that occurs at the end of the Saviour Age, the beginning of the end. Polar opposites becoming extreme just before they unite. In the dream, I went into my house and woke up before the dream progressed any further.

*This is the second dream in the last month that has to do with a migration/walk of some sort at the time of a cosmic event. In both dreams, I am spiritually prepared, I am ready.

Any questions, thoughts, comments, please email me at:

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 1,2,3: Same dream, three different nights

This has rarely happened to me before, but it has happened in the past. I have had the same dream for the last three nights. The only difference is, with each night that goes by, there is more light, more elaboration on the message, and clearer imagery. The basis of the dream had to do with going back to creation, which was a superconscious massive black hole. There was a guide there, a male figure. i remember him telling me that at the point of return one has the choice to transform into whatever life being is most suitable for the next engagement cycle. He went on to say that, although they are conscious decisions in the spirit form, they are definitely not conscious of their decisions in their waking life. he was discussing the importance of awareness and i remember being given many opportunities to 'test' it out. it was literally like a crystal, golden water sustained in space that would transform the consciousness of whatever being passed through it. i asked, 'does everyone pass through it?' the answer was, 'everyone passes through it to a degree in order to be recreated, but this can be done countless times without the soul remembering this cycle during it's course of experiencing countless physical lives (due to the veil of forgetfulness). But when one is conscious of this passing, is true bliss is finally reached. at this time, he showed me a small box and it had heiroglyphs carved all around it. he asked me if i remembered it...